A few months ago, I was between jobs and had to write a grant proposal. I didn’t have access to a few of publications and to my horror, I found that most of the recent works weren’t on Sci-Hub. Luckily a couple of old friends helped me out with getting those articles.
Now that I have a job and institutional access, I want to upload articles to Sci-Hub, or at least send it to someone who can inspect my documents, check that they’re OK, and then put them on the server.
I am currently sitting in about 140-odd articles that I know aren’t on Sci-Hub. I know that wosonjh (or whatever that name is) is a forum where one can upload requested articles, but from what I understand, that doesn’t feed into Sci-Hub’s repository.
Can someone please help me?
I searched, as you could as well (not to be sassy but come on), and it seems that you used to be able to upload to Libgen then they will be mirrored in a few days to Sci-Hub.
Now it seems uploading to Libgen is best and Sci-hub grabs them from other sources if at all.
Sources: https://academia.stackexchange.com/questions/156053/how-can-i-make-my-papers-available-on-sci-hub
Never heard of this academia stack exchange. Thank you.