You might like Last Train Home. Every soldier loss is permanent and there’s only so many you can find/rescue.
Based on true events, which is the most insane part. It’s kinda like frostpunk and an RTS game mixed together, which is very satisfying. Souls-like difficulty.
I was one of those kids. I now play roguelites and roguelikes instead
Those old NES games broke my fear of failure, so roguelikes, soulslikes, and similar games where you have a real chance of losing are my jam.
This also applies to games with permanent roster losses like XCOM or Darkest Dungeon. I can’t get enough.
You might like Last Train Home. Every soldier loss is permanent and there’s only so many you can find/rescue.
Based on true events, which is the most insane part. It’s kinda like frostpunk and an RTS game mixed together, which is very satisfying. Souls-like difficulty.
This looks right up my alley. Thanks for the rec!
No problem! :)