No problem, I’m aware that I tend to essay-out into a ramble on these tough topics. Thanks for hearing me out!
So, “my solution”: idealistically? Worker organizing. I see a resurgence of unions which is very inspiring, and they’ve been effective at winning decent pay and benefits. The news has been quietly ignoring and underplaying strike waves across the nation (and the world), because it makes their bosses nervous. They’re also ignoring the absolutely blatant retaliation against strikers from corporations. (Remember 19th and 20th centuries all over again? Thankfully they’re not bringing in PMCs and riot cops for strikers…yet.) If anybody is “entitled without earning it”, it’s the corpos who feel entitled to cheap complicit bodies for their profit machines.
The government isn’t going to help anybody.
Especially not this one. God help us. Reagan’s measures to prevent certain industries from striking, like air traffic controllers, and recently seen with railway workers, is just one of many ways the pro-capital government keeps the workers from getting too “uppity.”
Returning to a New Deal economic policy would help immensely. But 50’s red-scare and trickle-down propaganda is still sunk in deep.
What can I DO TODAY, to make things better for myself and my family?
Short answer? Band together and survive. The “screw you, got mine” individualism/exceptionalism myth has destroyed our culture and made us a nation of suspicious strangers. Perfect for selling garbage to and farming labor from.
So we need to involve our neighbors and coworkers in mutual support. You’re right, the government won’t help, your boss won’t help. Who’s left?
Just “keeping my head down and looking out for me and mine” is how we get picked off. This is also why media thinktanks love to stoke identity politics. It gets people infighting instead of massing.
So I’m just doing what I can to do my own thing, and survive, and getting people talking, and loving my neighbor as myself as much as I can, and trying not to feel powerless against overwhelming apathy and oppression from all sides.
That’s a super neat trick actually. Why the heck has RSS been losing popularity when it seems to be the only magic protocol you really need to keep up with what you actually care about?
Oh I just answered my own question: It must be harder to hijack RSS with intrusive ads and clickbait…