This isn’t Debian’s fault! It’s purely an Ubuntu/Canonical problem. Debian’s only apt by default, no snap.
Hello! My name is Cobalt Swiftpaw. I’m here for memes and art.
Previously /u/PirandelloKruger723 on Reddit.
This isn’t Debian’s fault! It’s purely an Ubuntu/Canonical problem. Debian’s only apt by default, no snap.
Meh, it’s just internal politics. Whether or not it’s rust makes no difference to the layperson whatsoever. I’m in favour of rust but don’t blow it out of proportion.
Rust is already as fast as C and memory safe. The reasons people don’t want it in the kernel basically amount to being a boomer that doesn’t like new things for immaterial reasons. Rust has already proven itself capable in mission-critical applications like drivers.
Linux has support for almost any architecture you can think of. Remember, free software can be compiled from source, which makes it comparatively easy to port to different architectures.
Because it’s not free software. It’s proprietary, so you’re still putting everything into the hands of some random corporation. Software freedom is important, and important to this forum specifically.
Agreed. Notably, Bluesky doesn’t require an account to read posts.
Its driver manager is better for newbies. Worse for experienced users though imo.