That’s profoundly untrue. Scripting in bash is an indescribably painful experience.
You have absolutely no idea what version of a binary the user will be running so you’re limited to using only options that have been well established.
I’ve never worked with python but I understand it has at least got some semblance of package management providing assurance that methods you’re calling exist, and I imagine it has some standardised mechanism for handling errors unlike bash.
A simple example is making a GET request to an API and deserializing a JSON response if its successful, handling a timeout if the server can’t be reached or handling the HTTP status code if it’s not a 200 response.
JS, python, Rust, C#, Java etc will all handle that simple scenario with zero effort but in bash it’s a nightmare.
I believed bash would be enjoyable, I believed we’d have fun. But all it ever gave was pain. I was young and naive.