and they say it’s so hard to exit vim. lol
and they say it’s so hard to exit vim. lol
yes! … YES!!!
let’s re-ignite this holy war for the new century. lol
i’m a vim user and i 100% agree with this. lol
it’s well vs perfectly; ESPECIALLY when it comes to battery life.
i’ve been buying linux laptops for the last few years and the battery life between a dell or thinkpad vs system76 or tuxedo is significant thanks to core/libre boots. i’m looking forward to their risc-v offerings.
the hard/soft support alone makes linux smooth sailing, just like any mac (and the price tag is almost the same). i’ve been a linux user since 2002 and it’s nice having paid developers to fall back on who always know more than i do since it’s literally their job.
remember the old emacs vs vi holy wars? lol
emacs a great operating system, lacking only a decent editor
a system that comes with either core or libre boot is going to have hardware that’s intended to work with them; also meaning that the open sourced software that controls the power is an exact match, giving an improved life.
it’s not so much that core/libreboot are a determinant factor; but more so an indicator.