Becoming a parent (especially in today’s world where many older people aren’t educated on tech) is going to be a huge battle of boundaries. Thanks for your response! I realize my baby won’t be able to avoid it all but I believe (hope) there’s a difference in thousands of photos hitting advertisers/training algorithms and the few that will slip through.
Lesser of two evils, I guess. I will definitely try to write out some simple rules and a basic explanation for it. Thanks, again!
Becoming a parent (especially in today’s world where many older people aren’t educated on tech) is going to be a huge battle of boundaries. Thanks for your response! I realize my baby won’t be able to avoid it all but I believe (hope) there’s a difference in thousands of photos hitting advertisers/training algorithms and the few that will slip through.
Lesser of two evils, I guess. I will definitely try to write out some simple rules and a basic explanation for it. Thanks, again!