If you don’t care about systemd, then why post?
Sysvinit is done. It is not graceful at handling dependant services, it was hard to test, and customising a service was painful compared to unit files.
For someone who’s been at Linux for 30 years, you clearly haven’t spent any time fighting with init scripts.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of Poettering. His approach lacks any empathy for anyone who’s entrenched in a current system and breaks stuff with his deployment approach.
But run0 solves a LOT of problems with sudo, problems that have always existed. Have you ever tried to deploy a sudoers file in an ecosystem of Linux systems relying on LDAP? Sudo definitely needs fixing.
You’ve mentioned that you dont care about systemd several times, but it’s certainly not clear from your post.
Many companies contribute to the LF. Intel, Qualcomm, Samsung, oracle, redhat, are all platinum members. Are you concerned because poettering works for ms that they’re going to privatize Linux?
What is your issue with run0?