Yeah I know that is how they see it but the generational wave they have been coasting on was the fact that computer nerdy kids would learn the ins and outs of Windows software long before even entering the workplace.
Microsoft has been taking advantage of the fact that kids like me would be so excited to learn computers that they would learn the basics of just poking around the desktop before they could read.
Nowadays that is gone, there is no playful connection and the sea of change will butterfly-effect into the future and cause a million symptoms of an issue we all know Microsoft will never actually value or address.
Microsoft has been functioning this entire time with a special unspoken in with nerdy kids who grow up to build important and valuable computer tools. Microsoft has steamrolled that, and on the scale of 10+ years I am not sure there will be anything Microsoft can actually do to mitigate the strategic defeat that is going to cause even if they are able to be honest and lucid about it at that late date.
More and more computer nerdy kids are going to learn the shit out of Linux because it is where they game and it feels welcoming to them (i.e. it doesn’t feel like sneaking into a suffocatingly boring office full of identical cubicles that gives periodic blaring notifications on a gambling casino nobody your parents know can afford called the Stock Market).
I can’t understate how much this will lead to Microsoft completely losing the plot because no one could ever suggest this as a danger in a Microsoft boardroom and be taken as seriously as they should.
gets popcorn I for one am going to enjoy the show
Hell yeah!